Thursday, October 18, 2007

Its funny

It's really funny, that after spending only a few weeks in a class based on Multiculturalism, that I have begun to notice little references to race in my every day life. Recently I was reading a book from Piers Anthony called ZOMBIE LOVER. In this book, this girl Brenna from our world, called Mundania, came to the magical land of Xanth during a wave of migration. This wave was called the Black Wave. Usually, this would be a simple term, except for the fact that it was called this due to the fact that every migrant that came over to Xanth from the Mundane world was in fact Black. It was called the Black wave because every member was of Black colour. This struck me as highly superficial and based souly upon appearance, which was true. Throughout the book, when a native of Xanth saw Brenna, they immediately saw her skin, her black skin. "You must be from the Black Wave." "Her Black skin." and so on and so forth. I had read this book twice before and yet, it was only after I was made aware of the superficial mentionings of race, did I realize that some seemingly harmless things can be based upon race or racism.